Should Galley Kitchen Cabinets Be Dark Or Light. These various design styles were produced by individuals such as [Should Galley Kitchen Cabinets Be Dark Or Light makers and different types of interior decoration, while some styles are additionally set up based upon various historical eras as well as the location in which you presently live. But how to make good use of this wall.

Dark cabinets don't have to be black—if the midnight mood isn't for you, consider a lighter shade of brown.
For stronger contrast, think light and dark, or two bold greys of the same 'weight' and balance.
Below is a kitchen in Avon Lake that we painted the cabinets in a light gray color. Ribbon-grained European wood cabinets and frosted glass panels give this galley-style kitchen a light modern vibe, while the dark quartz countertops and ash grey ceramic floor tiles provide traditional touches. They show food and scratches less easily.